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UPDATE: Judge Cochran

9:30 8/27/2023 pm update. Currently there are no active fires in Newton County. Area fire departments responded to multiple fires today from the north to the south end of the county. Kudos to these men and women for their speedy response to knock these fires out before they spread. We experienced some thunderstorms today, not much rain but the lightning is a concern. Lightning strikes could smolder a couple of days then ignite. Be vigilant in the areas where the lightning struck and report any fires. We also met with representatives from the American Red Cross today, to identify shelter areas throughout the county and any needs that may arise in case of emergency. The Red Cross has prepositioned supplies and have personnel on standby if such a need arises. With that being said if you would like to volunteer to be a shelter worker, the Red Cross will hold training here if enough people are interested. To volunteer you can contact Karen or Mel at the NVFD. There are currently no threat’s from the Louisiana wildfires. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed of any changes.

  • Ronnie Cochran


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