May 6, 2024
Released by: Sheriff Robert Burby
On Monday, May 6, 2024, we were contacted by a Jasper Newton Electric Cooperative
employee who reported that a Skid Steer, Mulcher, a large battery from a big trimming rig
along with one pair of channel locks, and a rubber hammer were all stolen. This equipment
was parked on FM 2939 approximately three miles from State Hwy 87. This equipment was
parked at this location on May 1, 2024, they parked two skid steers and one big trimming rig
on a high line on FM 2939 to be used on May 6, 2024. The Deputy who took this report saw
this equipment parked at this location on May 2, 2024.
The following items are reported stolen:
3. Big battery from big trimming rig Valued at $300.00
4. One pair channel lock valued at $10.00.
5. One rubber hammer valued at $10.00.
This heavy equipment theft is likely to show up on social media and buyers websites.
Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to contact the Newton County
Sheriff’s Office at (409)379-3636.
Calls To Service (April 29, 2024, to May 5, 2024): The Newton County Sheriff’s Office
(NCSO) answered 59 calls to service.
Jail Transports: NCSO had 5 jail transports;
2 from JCSO to Holliday Unit, 1 from NCSO to Montgomery County, 2 from NCSO to
Jail Population: We currently have 25 inmates in the following jails;
12 housed in Newton, 5 housed in Beauregard, and 7 housed in Jasper, 1 at mental facility on
The following individuals were booked into the County Jail:
Burr,Stephen Phillip 04/29/24 F3 Parole Violation (Assault F/V)
Dean,Cara Jacqueline Slaydon 04/29/24 MB Theft Prop >=$100<$750
Martin, Hunter Douglas 04/30/24 MB FTA/ Poss Marij (Montgomery
Mobley,CJ 05/03/24 ** ISF Hold
Stouffer,Chanell Lynn 05/03/24 ** Hold for Bowie Co
Huff,Jeffrey Ray Jr 05/05/24 FS Evading Arrest Detention W/Veh
Or Watercraft
The following calls and reports were received by NCSO:
Bon Wier: Traffic Hazard, Alarm, Officer Assist, Welfare Concern, Disturbance, Theft
Deweyville: Officer Assist, Alarm, Theft, Trespassing x 2, Fraud x 2, Disturbance x 2,
Suspicious Activity, Extra Patrol, Property Damage Accident
Newton (Unincorporated Limits): Alarm x 2, Reckless Driving x 2, Suspicious Activity x
2, Civil Matter, Trespassing, Officer Assist x 2, Harassment
Burkeville: Officer Assist, 4-Wheeler Call, Officer Assist
Toledo Bend: Civil Matter
Call: Officer Assist x 2, Disturbance, Cruelty to Animals
Trout Creek: Suspicious Activity x 2, Disturbance, Officer Assist
Kirbyville: Suspicious Activity x 2
Jamestown: Animal Nuisance
Wiergate: Welfare Concern, Alarm x 2, Cruelty to Animals
Bleakwood: Accident, Theft, Trespassing, Extra Patrol, Harassment
Liberty: Theft, Welfare Concern
Pine Grove: 4-Wheeler Call
