July 15, 2024
Released by: Sheriff Robert Burby
Calls To Service (July 8, 2024, to July 14, 2024): The Newton County Sheriff’s Office (NCSO) answered 51 calls to service.
Jail Population: We currently have 20 inmates in the following jails;
8 housed in Newton, 8 housed in Beauregard, and 4 housed in Jasper.
The following individuals were booked into the Newton County Jail:
Stark, Trenton Kalib 07/09/24 FS Unauth Use of Vehicle
Reese, Layne Cayden 07/13/24 MB Driving While Intoxicated
The following calls and reports were received by NCSO:
Bon Wier: Burglary/Possible, Civil Disturbance
Deweyville: Disturbance x 3, Terroristic Threat, Extra Patrol, Mental Health, Traffic Hazard, Follow Up, Medical Call
Newton (Unincorporated Limits): Found Property, Officer Assist x 2, Civil Matter
Burkeville: Officer Assist x 2, Noise Complaint, Officer Assist, Disturbance x 2, Trespassing
Toledo Bend: Extra Patrol, Disorderly Conduct
Mayflower: Welfare Concern
Call: Disabled Vehicle
Jamestown: Welfare Concern
Shankleville: Property Dispute
Wiergate: Officer Assist, Assault, Criminal Mischief
Liberty: Welfare Concern
Bleakwood: Officer Assist, Suspicious Activity, Animal Nuisance, Assault
Friendship: Welfare Concern
Trout Creek: Reckless Driving, 4-Wheeler Call, Disturbance, Suspicious Activity
Devil’s Pocket: Alarm
Sandjack: Welfare Concern x 2, Suspicious Activity x 2, Officer Assist
Old Salem: Mental Health Call
Gist: Welfare Concern
Buna: Animal Bite