Newton's 2024 Homecoming Parade is tomorrow, but one group wants to make sure their members have an opportunity to participate.
The group is called 'Newton Ex-Student Association'. They are all former Newton ISD students of all ages who want to continue to take part in Newton HS Alumni activities.
Parade activity for the group can be found below in its entirety;
It's almost time for Newton Homecoming Parade and Bazaar on the square! Below you will find information on the parade line up, and more!
Please, please respect areas labeled as no parking on the map. This helps the parade flow in a TIMELY manner when we don’t have to wait for folks to move vehicles.
The Homecoming Parade will begin at 2 p.m.
Everyone who will be riding in the parade needs to be IN PLACE by 1:25 p.m. This means at your designated location listed below.
If your float is being judged, you will received a number to be displayed on drivers side of vehicle.
NHS Homecoming Court Royalty – Beside Post Office
NHS Football players – Old hospital (to ride on 18-wheeler) past
1974 STATE HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM AND CLASS - Line up at old Hospital (509 N Main Street)
NMS FOOTBALL/CHEER – Old Gym parking lot NES
School Floats - Old Gym Parking lot at NES.
NYFA Football/Cheer/Royalty – Side parking along the street that runs beside First Baptist Church facing NES(the side with the grassy parking lot).
OTHER Queens/Royalty - Line up at the Baptist Church parking lot across from Newton Elem campus.
Jeeps - back side of Baptist Church Parking lot (behind Royalty). Look for divider through parking lot and park between the divider and trees.
Community/Business/Organizations- Line up on East Street in front of Newton Elementary School playground FACING the Baptist Church. You will turn left on Magnolia Street and come out by the Post Office.
Alumni/Class Reunion Groups - Old Gym parking lot at NES Campus
Trail riders/Horses/Wagons - First Financial Bank area. Grassy areas only!!!
ATV/Motorcycle - Elementary School drop off area. NO DIRTBIKES!
You all need to be IN PLACE by 1:25! (Someone will help organize you once at meeting location) This is for everyone! If you don't fall into one of these groups and have questions about where you line up please let me know!!
If you have questions, you can call me. 409-594-0544
Please Share!
See the map below.
