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2024 third quarter report for Pct 4 Commissioners Office Newton County

2024 third quarter report for Precinct 4 Commissioner’s office, including a few photos of projects completed in the third quarter of 2024.

Good evening, we just completed the 3rd quarter of 2024 and I wanted to share what we have done in the first nine months of this year and what’s on our schedule for the remainder of 2024.

In the first 9 months of 2024, we have completed the following:

-Placed 6,231 tons of materials on Precinct 4 roadways, that’s 519 dump truck loads!

-Installed 31 culverts, improving drainage and prolonging the life of our adjacent roads.

-Cut down and removed 29 dangerous trees, these trees either presented a danger to motorists by falling and or creating a “blind spot” that could cause an accident. This does not include the storm damage cleanup that we did in Devils Pocket and Nichols Creek, that cleanup took 7 days and eclipsed these numbers.

-Installed 31 signs on roadways to inform motorists of safety and or compliance matters.

-We also rebuilt roads that were washed away by flash flooding and IMO created a long term improvement along the Sabine River roadway.

-Our daily maintenance efforts have been enhanced by employing “temporary workers” to help in vegetation control and routine road work. I have also established a “Project Group” and a “Maintenance group”, which helps tremendously in scheduling, planning and execution.

Before the end of the year we “tentative plan” to complete the following projects while keeping up with road maintenance.

-Resurface the section of CR4181 south of the Hartburg Baptist Church to the County line.

-Place RAP surface on the section of CR3111 up to the first drainage crossing, this work will continue in 2025.

-Place a new surface (undecided on material) on CR3142 up to the elevation change. Long term drainage improvements must be made prior to surface improvements past the lower elevation area of the road.

-Install 2 culverts for drainage improvements in Sheppard Road area (3121/3114).

-Install a culvert on CR4154 for drainage improvement, and clean ditch to waterway.

-Start drainage improvements in Old Champion and Gist, starting on CR3141. then moving from area to area as weather conditions change and set road availability.

-Go out for bids on resurfacing CR3125-3129, activity will be cost driven.

-Develop plan for inner Deweyville roads, that improve troubled areas in first quarter of 2025.

-Continue to support CR4128 “as it fails”, and set a schedule date for long term solution in 2025.

I have not included everything that we will do in the next 3 months, but rather what I consider to be my priorities prior to year end. If you have questions, thoughts or frustrations please message me, text me and or call me. My crew is absolutely giving the residents of Precinct 4 their best . I am super proud of each team member and our accomplishments to date, furthermore I’m excited about the future!

Thanks Commissioner Bubba Powell



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